We totally get that dental visits can be daunting,
the intimidating tools or a looming fear of unexpected pain, but we believe that these emerge from a deeper level— the fear of bad news and the vulnerability that comes with lying flat and allowing a professionally trained dentist in your personal bubble. These reasons can make it easy to put off your necessary and may end up costing you much more time and money in the future.
Hazelnut Dental was created to ease as many barriers as possible.
We ease barriers by engaging what is comfortable and familiar. We offer early and late appointments to relieve the stress of missing school or work. Our location is convenient. Everything we do is genuine, without fluff, and we don’t push vogue treatment. Our recommendations are based on research and experience because we know one size does not fit all. We simply base everything we do on how we would want our family to be treated.
This is what we define as the Hazelnut Dental experience.
We are a team that is based on a culture of honesty, transparency, and customer service.

When Dr. Josh is not playing LEGOs with his 5-year-old son, playing tea party with his 2-year-old daughter and her stuffed unicorn, or helping his youngest crawl, Dr. Josh may be seen on adventurous dates with wife at Trader Joe's or attempting to golf or do yard work when the weather isn’t too hot or too cold. Dr. Josh squeezes his toothpaste from the bottom up and makes it a goal to donate 6 pints of blood each year.
While research hasn't shown the best order, Dr. Josh’s morning regimen is floss, mouthwash, brush. He admits to occasionally missing brushing before bed when he and his wife are busily juggling the kids’ bath and bedtime routine and falls asleep reading to the kids. He also promises that this alone will not lead to getting cavities.